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Wednesday, December 2, 2020

About our Beneficiaries

A part of Providence Health & Services, Providence Home and Community Care serves individuals throughout Western Washington. We have been committed to providing health care, housing and supportive services to people in the Puget Sound area for more than 160 years. These services include hospice, home care, assisted living, nursing homes, skilled nursing, infusion, care for the elderly and supportive housing for the poor and vulnerable. Our vision is quite simple and yet very powerful. We are committed to improving the quality of life of those with chronic and/or life limiting conditions living in our communities.

Here is what some of our ministries are doing during the COVID-19 crisis:

Skilled Nursing Facilities

  • We’ve implemented ‘social distancing’ to minimize excessive person-to-person contact around activities such as special events that might involve large groups.

  • To alleviate loneliness and solitude, we have asked caregivers to help residents and patient connect with loved ones via SKYPE, FaceTime and any other tool that works. 

Home Health/Home Infusion/Hospice

  • We are pre-screening every patient upon admission and every patient before every visit to their home.

  • Our hospice ministries have arranged for our contracted partner Total Triage to conduct the pre-visit screening when our patients call in.

  • Our caregivers aim to provide personal acknowledgement to patients who are celebrating birthdays and anniversaries and other momentous occasions.

PACE Program

  • Those enrolled with ElderPlace continue to receive complete medical care, medications, medical supplies, adult day care, in-home care, care coordination, and needed transportation. 

Supportive Housing

  • In addition to implementing a comprehensive infection precaution strategy across our 16 Providence Supportive Housing ministries, we are sharing our materials for this work with other organizations who lack the resources of PHCC. 

  • We are providing technical assistance to our regional leaders and partners to evaluate housing solutions in response to anticipated demands on the health care system. 


Who Benefits


Assisted Living & Skilled Nursing:
Providence Mount St. Vincent
Providence Marianwood
Heritage House at the Market

Home Health:
Providence Home Services

Providence Hospice of Seattle

Housing Services:
Providence Supportive Housing

Infusion & Pharmacy Services:
Providence Infusion & Pharmacy Services

Program of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE):
Providence ElderPlace


Our Mission Statement

As expressions of God’s healing love, witnessed through the ministry of Jesus, we are steadfast in serving all, especially those who are poor and vulnerable.